File List


  1. Undefined variable ERROR

  2. Only variable ERROR
    return new "hoge";
    $ret = new "hoge";
    return $ret;

Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_SERVER_VARS in [DocumentRoot]/pukiwiki/lib/init.php on line "xxx"

# vi [DocumentRoot]/pukiwiki/lib/init.php
  • 28行目
    -    unset(${$key}, $_SERVER[$key], $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[$key]);
    +    unset(${$key}, $_SERVER[$key], $_POST[$key]);

  • 141行目
    -unset(${$ua}, $_SERVER[$ua], $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[$ua], $ua);  // safety
    +unset(${$ua}, $_SERVER[$ua], $_POST[$ua], $ua);  // safety

  • 283行目
    -    unset(${$key}, $_SERVER[$key], $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[$key]);
    +    unset(${$key}, $_SERVER[$key], $_POST[$key]);

  • 286行目
    +unset($REQUEST_URI, $_POST['REQUEST_URI']);

Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in [DocumentRoot]/pukiwiki/lib/convert_html.php on line "xxx"

# vi [DocumentRoot]/pukiwiki/lib/convert_html.php
  • 関数:& Factory_Div(& $root, $text)
    -            return new Div($matches);
    +            $ret = new Div($matches);
    +            return $ret;

  • 関数:& Factory_Div(& $root, $text)
    -            if ($len == 0) {
    -                return new Div($matches); // Seems legacy block plugin
    -            } else if (preg_match('/\{{' . $len . '}\s*\r(.*)\r\}{' . $len . '}/', $text, $body)) {
    -                $matches[2] .= "\r" . $body[1] . "\r";
    -                return new Div($matches); // Seems multiline-enabled block plugin
    -            }
    +            if ($len == 0) {
    +                $ret = new Div($matches); // Seems legacy block plugin
    +            } else if (preg_match('/\{{' . $len . '}\s*\r(.*)\r\}{' . $len . '}/', $text, $body)) {
    +                $matches[2] .= "\r" . $body[1] . "\r";
    +                $ret = new Div($matches); // Seems multiline-enabled block plugin
    +            }
    +            return $ret;

  • 関数:& Factory_Inline($text)
    -    // Check the first letter of the line
    -    if (substr($text, 0, 1) == '~') {
    -        return new Paragraph(' ' . substr($text, 1));
    -    } else {
    -        return new Inline($text);
    -    }
    +    // Check the first letter of the line
    +    if (substr($text, 0, 1) == '~') {
    +        $ret = new Paragraph(' ' . substr($text, 1));
    +    } else {
    +        $ret = new Inline($text);
    +    }
    +    return $ret;  

  • & Factory_DList(& $root, $text)
    -        return new DList($out);
    +        $ret = new DList($out);
    +        return $ret;

  • & Factory_Table(& $root, $text)
    -        return new Table($out);
    +        $ret = Table($out);
    +        return $ret;

  • & Factory_YTable(& $root, $text)
    -        return new YTable(csv_explode(',', substr($text, 1)));
    +        $ret = new YTable(csv_explode(',', substr($text, 1)));
    +        return $ret;